Montessori Children's House of Loudoun

Toddler Program

18–36 months old.

Some refer to this developmental period as “The Terrible Twos.” We disagree; toddlers are terrific. We love everything about them – their energy, determination, and curiosity – and purposefully created a very special place for your toddler to learn.

An Environment Conducive to Learning

Where so many early childhood programs are chaotic and overwhelming, parents are often surprised to see the peaceful tone of our toddler classroom. The calm atmosphere and lack of distraction help your toddler to develop impulse control and concentration, planting the seeds for learning in this classroom and beyond.

A Community

Our students grow together into a close-knit, caring community. When children work, learn, and grow together, they learn much more than any of them could learn alone!

“Help Me To Do It Myself”

Your child has a natural drive to be independent which we encourage by creating an environment where everything is just the right size for children to do things on their own. Activities are purposefully designed to develop a sense of wonder, natural curiosity, motor skills, language skills, self-esteem, and social skills. Activities, which up until now have been going on around them, but which they can now do themselves, are seemingly irresistible: getting dressed, preparing lunch, setting the table, sweeping the floor, etc. Being able to do things for themselves creates an instantaneous surge of pride at this age.

A Beautiful Environment

Our bright and sunny toddler classrooms are specially designed for your child between the ages of 18 and 36 months. It is a world scaled down to your child’s size. Here, your child paints, cooks, waters the garden, sings songs with friends and plays with materials that develop fine and gross motor coordination.

Absorbing Language

The use of language is emerging as toddlers begin to use their words to communicate. Their developing mastery of language gives them a sense of empowerment and confidence. Montessori teachers are trained to encourage and embrace this emerging independence and create opportunities for them to express themselves.

A Joyful Experience

Take a peek into our Toddler classroom and you will see children who are happy, engaged, and deeply connected to their friends and teachers. As a result, your child develops a deep affinity for school and a true love for learning.

Ready to Move Up

Sometime between the ages of 2 1/2 to 3 years of age, your child’s language skills and self-expression will develop rapidly and you will see an increase in confidence in independence, as well as a keen interest in broader concepts. Your child will want to know what lies ahead, outside of the Toddler Classroom. At this point, it is time to move up to the Early Childhood program, which is designed for children from the ages of 3 to 6.

Parent Reviews

We decided to move our child from a different school and place him in MCHL, and we are so happy we did. Since that move, his language has skyrocketed, he identifies feelings and he shows a love of learning beyond his age (almost 3). MCHL isn’t just a school, it is a community of parents and teachers that want the best for their children. When our youngest is old enough, he will be attending as well!  

 — Eva Kriksciun

Choosing to send our three children to MCHL has been one of the best and most impactful decisions that we have made for them. The administration and teaching excellence at MCHL is unmatched. The strong academic foundation, love of learning, art, language, music, culture, and friendships that MCHL has instilled will be carried by our kids throughout their whole lives.   

 — The Boutcher Family

If you think your child would thrive in a Montessori environment, give us a call or schedule a tour. We would love for you to visit our school and learn more.

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